We long for God to be working in our church fellowship, and we know we’re meant to be praying for our church. But often when it comes to it, we don’t quite know what to ask for. Or we feel our requests to God are shallow, repetitive and stuck in a rut.
That’s where this little book is designed to help. It will equip you to pray powerful prayers for your church family—prayers that really change things, because they’re based on God’s word.
Each spread takes a passage of Scripture and suggests 5 things to pray for an aspect of church life. Because when we pray in line with God’s priorities as found in his word, our prayers are powerful and effective (James 5 v 16)—and that’s a truly thrilling prospect.
Use this book in any number of ways: work through it as part of your daily quiet time, or pick it up whenever someone you know is in particular need of prayer.
“Things to Pray”
We love our friends and family, and we long for God to be working in their lives. But when it comes to praying for them, often we don’t quite know what to ask for. Or our requests to God on their behalf feel shallow, repetitive and stuck in a rut.
That’s where this little book is designed to help. It will equip you to pray powerful prayers for the people you love—prayers that really change things, because they’re based on God’s word.
Each spread takes a passage of Scripture and suggests 5 things to pray for a person in your life. Because when we pray in line with God’s priorities as found in his word, our prayers are powerful and effective (James 5 v 16)—and that’s a truly thrilling prospect.
Use this book in any number of ways: work through it as part of your daily quiet time, or pick it up whenever someone you know is in particular need of prayer.
When we watch the news, our hearts break for a world in need. But Christians are not powerless to help: we can pray. In fact, that’s exactly what God tells us to do: “petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving [should] be made for all people” (1 Timothy 2 v 1-2). If we’re serious about reaching our local community and the wider world with the gospel, the first thing we’ll do is pray.
Trouble is, most of us don’t know where to start. How do we pray meaningfully for people who we don’t know and will probably never meet? Deep down, the issues seem too big, too emotionally disconnected, and we’re not sure our prayers will really make a difference. That’s where this little book is designed to help. It will equip you to pray powerful prayers for the world around you – prayers that really change things, because they’re based on God’s word.
Each spread takes a passage of Scripture and suggests 5 things to pray for a local, national, or international issue. Because when we pray in line with God’s priorities as found in his word, our prayers are powerful and effective (James 5 v 16) – and that’s a truly thrilling prospect.
Our cities are full of people, full of needs, and bursting with opportunity. The United Nations estimates that 60% of the world’s population will live in cities by 2030.
Urban churches have the world on our doorstep. But if we want to see God work in our cities and through our churches, we need to pray.
That’s where this little book is designed to help. It will enlarge your vision and equip you to pray passionately and powerfully for the salvation and renewal of your city.
Each chapter takes a passage of Scripture and suggests 5 things to pray for an area of city life. Because when we pray in line with God’s priorities as found in his word, our prayers are powerful and effective (James 5 v 16)—and that’s a truly thrilling prospect.
Every Christian wants to be more like Jesus—and, wonderfully, that’s what God wants for us too: “It is God’s will that you should be sanctified” (1 Thessalonians 4 v 3).
How will that happen? Only by asking God to transform us from the inside out—because real heart change comes not by our own willpower, but by the Spirit’s power.
Too often though our prayer lives are reduced to shopping-list-style-requests or desperate pleas to get through the day. But this little guide will help you to pray for genuine, deep and astonishing Christian growth, in your own life or somebody else’s. These are prayers your heavenly Father loves to answer—because they’re based on his word.
Each spread takes a passage of Scripture and suggests 5 things to pray for a particular area of your Christian life. Because when we pray in line with God’s priorities as found in his word, our prayers are powerful and effective (James 5 v 16)—and that’s a truly thrilling prospect.
5 Things to Pray for Your Kids
Our culture says that the most important things for children are education, good health, treats, entertainment, and material things. Yet as Christians, we know that children’s spiritual health is the most important thing. So we need to pray for them, but where do we start?
This little guide is both deep and do-able. Melissa Kruger takes us back to the Bible to show us what God’s will for children is, so we can pray in line with it. She selects 21 key areas of spiritual growth and character development. For each one, there are five short prayer prompts drawn straight from the Bible.
When we pray in line with God’s priorities as found in his word, our prayers are powerful and effective (James 5 v 16)—and that’s a truly thrilling prospect.
This book can be used in any number of ways: work through it as part of your daily quiet time, or pick it up whenever a particular need arises. Either way, it’s worth stepping out of the busyness of daily life for five minutes to pray meaningfully for your child, grandchild, godchild, or kids in your church—from tots to teens, and every age in between.
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